RPO Archives - Your Talent Solutions

The Salary Transparency Trend

In recent years, a growing trend has emerged within employment, that of employers choosing to reveal salaries to their employees. This shift from a traditionally confidential practice has significant implications for recruitment, company culture, and employee satisfaction. We’re going to look at the concept of salary transparency, explore the reasons behind this trend, and examine […]

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Curtains Up for the Gig Economy: Freelancers Reshaping the World of Work

The way we work is undergoing a profound transformation, and at the heart of this change is the relatively recent rise of the gig economy and freelancing. The world of work has genuinely undergone a paradigm shift when we consider the rise of flexible and remote working over recent times and for us, it’s no […]

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Passing the Torch: Bridging Generational Wisdom for Future Success

In today’s rapidly evolving workforce, the transfer of knowledge between generations has never been more important. With Baby Boomers nearing retirement age, organisations are increasingly recognising the need to preserve institutional wisdom and ensure a seamless transition of expertise to younger generations. This blog explores the significance of knowledge transfer and examines the various strategies […]

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Creating a Positive Workplace Culture: Fostering a Sense of Belonging to Retain Your Best Talent

A positive workplace culture is essential for attracting and retaining top talent. When employees feel valued, supported, and included, they are more likely to stay with a company long-term and contribute to its success. Retention is the main theme of this piece but, getting the most out of your employees, in terms of not only […]

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Why Offering Work-Life Balance is Key to Retaining Top Talent

In today’s world, finding a balance between work and life has become increasingly important for employees. Many companies have recognised this need and are now offering work-life balance as a way to attract and retain top talent. In this blog, we’ll explore the importance of creating flexibility in the workplace and how it can benefit […]

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‘I Have a Friend at Work’ – Employee Retention in the Workplace

The Number One Predictor of Whether You Will Stay in a Role is The Answer to This Question: ‘Do you have a Friend at Work?’ The workplace is a space where we spend a considerable amount of our time. Whilst we’re there, we not only go about our work, but we also build relationships with […]

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Introducing The OVP (Office Value Proposition) – Why It’s Worth Thinking About

It’s getting harder and harder to attract, and crucially retain good people. Not every employee was thrilled with the prospect of coming back to the office after COVID and lockdown home working. Let’s spare a thought for HR teams here, reimagining work structures, overcoming technical and logistical hardships, worrying about the wellbeing of staff and […]

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Meet the YTS Team: Kasar Shaid

1. How do you like to spend your time outside of work? a. I enjoy playing 5 side football on a Friday night, after a demanding week it’s good to unleash any frustrations out with my friends! I also like to get to the gym 2 or 3 times a week, but I fit all […]

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Insourcing: Good, Bad or Ugly?

Recruitment is a critical process for any organisation looking to hire talented and skilled employees. One of the decisions that companies must make is whether to outsource or insource their recruitment process. Insourcing recruitment means handling the entire process in-house, while outsourcing recruitment involves hiring a third-party agency to handle elements or all of the […]

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