Roll up, roll up! All roles/vacancies booked before Noon today, April 1st 2022, absolutely free!
Did that get your attention or what, LinkedIn?!
In case anyone missed it, today is April Fools’ Day! Celebrated on April 1 each year – it has been marked for several centuries by various different cultures, though its exact origins still remain a mystery. A bit like us here at Your Talent Solutions…
And so, we thought, what better way to grab people’s attention – and tell you all a little about ourselves – than to offer the prospect of free recruitment that might, at best, disappoint people and, at worst, downright annoy people. Shameless click-bait, we know… But bear with.
To be fair, there is some truth to the whole “freebie” thing. Well sort of.
We’re a new player in a mature and highly saturated market. Not only that, but the industry that we find ourselves in – Recruitment – is an industry that, probably rightly so, has something of an unsavoury reputation. If you’re still here and you’re still reading this, hats off to you, because these first few minutes have admittedly been quite negative! But, since you’re still here, we’d like to tell you a bit about why we’re different and how the whole “freebie” thing isn’t complete fugazi (any fans of the Wolf of Wall Street will understand that reference).
With the cost of recruitment in the UK seemingly always on the rise and given that we’re trying to break into arguably the toughest industry there is, we have had to employ the tactic of giving away free recruitment assignments in some circumstances. But we don’t mind this. We’re realists. We’re also a bit ballsy – in case you didn’t already get that from this post – and we want a chance to show potential future client-partners that we can support them and help them achieve their targets.
Believe it or not, our “freebies” work! They give us sight of, and access to, roles we probably wouldn’t get – and with exclusivity – and the “freebie” allows us to demonstrate our expertise to companies who would otherwise overlook us. We view this as an investment in the new relationship and this aligns with our long-term outlook – we’re not here to make a “quick buck.” That’s not to say all roles thereafter are free, should a client-partner like the way we operate, but we’re super-easy to work with, so unlike most agencies, we’re not rigid and can flex the parameters of our terms or service any way a client-partner needs us to. How many times have you heard “it’s 20% and there’s no rebate”. No negotiation, no discussion, and if there is it’s a % or two off. Our starting point is “What will work best for you?” and “How can we make things a little easier?”.
Our mission is to take the pain of recruiting away and it really can be bloody painful! We’ve been there before. Our teams have been client-side and we’ve worked in recruitment for decades upon decades. But we want to change that. Of course, there are always ups and downs and we get that more often than not, people view recruitment as a necessary evil, but we’re looking to simplify the process and make it as easy, enjoyable and even fun! Too long has recruitment been viewed as a chore. We understand why this is, we really do, but any organisation that treats recruitment as a chore and just something that needs to be “bashed out” will, sooner or later, live to regret it. As alluded to earlier, it’s an expensive game and can cost you upwards of 4.7 times the salary if you get it wrong – not just in terms of hard pound-costs but also softer costs such as time, effort and resource. And that’s why we’re of the firm belief that it needs to be done properly, but it also needs to be a pleasant experience – well, at least not draining – as it’s something you’ll need to do a lot, hopefully!
Our philosophy is all about our client-partners – we’re client-first.
If you need help with recruitment, or you just need a new approach, contact us at Your Talent Solutions. You’ll probably like us.
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