Grad & Early Careers
Whether you’re the graduate yourself, or the parent of the graduate reading this trying to help, one thing is for sure: it’s a very different ballgame out there today. You went off to Uni full of vim and vigour, only to discover post Uni life can be overwhelming and at the same time sadly underwhelming.
Covid and the general markets have impacted in such a way that has resulted in the most animated recruitment and talent market we’ve ever seen. Businesses are squeezing where they can, and few areas are seeing this squeeze as much as the graduate and early career end of the market. Twentysomethings are struggling to bridge the gap between the end of studies and the elusive first meaningful career step.
What are the options if you haven’t picked a career yet? More study? Volunteering? Travel? It’s a tough market, with plenty of unpaid internships but few paid ‘proper’ jobs.

In many ways, this first step is the hardest role you’ll have to get throughout your career. In an ocean of graduate profiles to select from, how do you stand out?
So, let’s get the basics right, lets polish everything we can so that when the opportunity comes, you’re ready to give it your best efforts. We’ll meet with you to understand where you’ve been and where you want to head to. We’ll run through with you each stage of the process, so that your CV stands a better chance of being shortlisted and when the email arrives to invite you somewhere for something, you already have a good idea what that something is and will entail.
We’ll prepare you, your online presence, and your appeal at every stage of the process. We’ll help you to turn anxiety inducing and panicked job searching into structured career focused strategies. We’ll help you move from the invisible candidate profile into the memorable one. And we’ll swap graduate self-doubt into self-confidence.
Introduction & Initial Fact-Finding
Often the first rung of the ladder is the hardest to master. In the same way as for more experienced clients, we’ll hold an initial call or meeting to understand our starting point together, we’ll discuss what’s realistic and any challenges so far, we’ll answer any questions you may have and to start developing your personal early career roadmap and relationship with your career coach.
Dedicated Assessment
We’ll look at a range of key areas including emotional intelligence, paradoxical strengths, behavioural competencies and many more to better understand you, your motivations and what drives you, to be in a stronger position to set you on the right career path from the beginning.
Assessment Review
We’ll walk through the results of the assessment with you to further develop your personalised roadmap, and for you to have a better understanding of your key strengths and areas for development.
Opportunity Strategies & Tactics
Strategies to better understand the market you want to target, and what opportunities exist within it. We’ll look at the market, what’s obvious and what opportunities might be hidden. We’ll also look at how to unearth them yourself, how to get the most out of agencies and head-hunters, and to develop your own network.
Developing An Impactful CV
CVs are read in under 6 seconds by the human eye. Technology will make the decision in a fraction of that time. Whether it’s refining and optimising an existing CV, or developing a totally new one, we’ll help you to create a document that will work for human eyes as well as an increasing amount of AI screening tools, and land the key messages to get you on the shortlist.
LinkedIn & Personal Public Brand
Used by over a billion people, with over 67 million companies and with 14.9k job applications every minute, so do you have a profile? How effective is it? The first social media platform is essential to both promoting your personal brand and for landing the next role. We’ll help you optimise and maximise this incredibly powerful free tool. And with an increasing number of organisations researching individuals online, we’ll help you portray the right message across the social media spectrum.
Strategies of Effective Interviewing
For entry level, or second step roles, you may be invited to a range of interview types. It may be as part of a group, or a formalised assessment centre, you may have an initial telephone interview as part of the screening process to get there. We’ll help you understand what’s likely for your chosen career path, what to expect and how to prepare for each one.
Interview Preparation
This includes studying and decoding the Job Description for job opportunities you’ve applied, and been shortlisted for, to understand what questions may come up during your discussion, formulating the right responses and examples to play back to the panel, and putting it to the test in a mock interview environment.